Monday, April 4, 2011

Love or Magic?

I can’t help but wonder if the love felt in Act II between Miranda and Ferdinand is real. Prospero wants them to realize the value of their love, but is it love or was it just that Miranda so “magically” appeared when Ferdinand was in need of companionship and love? Ferdinand seems to throw his words around so freely on this subject. I can’t quite grasp how much magic on Prospero’s part is involved.

“Soft, sir! One word more.
They are both in either’s powers, but this swift business
I must uneasy make lest too light winning
Make the prize light.
One word more. I charge thee
That thou attend me. Thou dost here usurp
The name thou owest not, and hast put thyself
Upon this island as a spy to win it
From me, the lord on ’t.”

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