Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What do any of us really need?

When Dr. Sexson asked us to answer the question, "What do you really need?" I immediately whispered "nothing" to myself. But now that I sit here with my coffee (which I am delighted to say the barista has named "alice in wonderland" for me) I wonder..What do I need FOR WHAT? To live? to die? To breathe? to be delighted? Well....that one's answered, a special mocha with a fabulous name!

But really, this question could not have come at a better time for me. I journal every day, multiple times a day, convey thoughts and emotion through letters, create pieces of art every week expressing something. I think I "need" all of these things to stay whole, "get it out" and live more fully. But do I? Do I need counseling at $45 a session?! Goodness, I am rethinking everything here and I want to scream in answering this question. This is normally something I would reflect on in my personal blog but I suppose I will make an attempt to answer or explain and connect it to Shakespeare...?

I would usually come up with some artificial answer that satisfies my lifestyle. But right now I am going to go for the raw answer that no one wants to face. Call me a cynic if you will but here it is:

Do we need Love? No.
Friends? No.
Family? The die off.
Fun? Optional.

What do I need? Really need?
A little water, maybe some food every now and again. That's what I would need to just stay alive.

I am getting more frustrated by the minute thinking about this question. I can't really explain why but all I have to say is- I don't need anything. Nothing. No one.

Maybe I will carry on as I ponder this but really...

By having nothing I have everything right?

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