Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Vale of Soul Making in Keats and Shakespeare

I have been throwing around a lot of ideas for my term paper which is of course involves John Keats. Because Shakespeare is about showing and not telling as we have discussed much in class, I thought that Keats would be a great tie in. Much of my focus though will be on remembrance and negative capability. Remembrance is greatly driven by images in Shakespeare, for example through stars and flowers (especially the cowslip). Tracing back through the real (the social world) into the mythological (where we have ecstasy, insight...rhapsodic). I am considering looking at negative capability mostly in response to Shakespeare's sonnets and letters, in which words are used to thread the soul together. This circles back around to remembrance as well, of course! I have a lot more to say about Keats and Shakespeare but at least wanted to post my "small" ideas thus far! I am excited to once again focus on Keats' amazingly intricate ideas and tie them into Shakespeare. Two men with amazing talent and a way with words like none other, with this I begin (or am i ending?)

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