Monday, May 2, 2011

The fairy tale in shakespeare

I was assigned the task of looking at tragedy and the fairy tale happy ending as transcendence rather than contradiction. I began thinking about how twisted fairy tales really are (which enters my mind quite often) and then went through various Shakespeare plays to find parallels. I had a lot of fun with this task and will perhaps post the paper i wrote on it as well.

Looking at Prospero and his obsession with books immediately brought to mind the immense library in the beauty in the beast. Bell is so innocent, like Miranda and lives through the stories. The beast cherishes his library, it being the only thing he really has to love and that loves him back.

In pericles we have the pirates, evil stepmother, and jealousy of the step daughter's beauty. There is magic wrapped up in Pericles along with myth. The search for self is evident in this and ultimately reflects morals, soul searching, and magic- similar to fairy tales.

The winters tale also depicts the magic of snow white and sleeping beauty. Jealousy, beauty, and once again magic.

I could go on and on because i am a long time lover of fairytales. It is essential that kids grow up with these stories, tales, fabrications. It helps them to find a sense of stability and connection in a chaotic world. The fairy tale ultimately acknowledges their dreams and reality...i will say more late perhaps but it is time to enjoy the glorious sunshine and celebrate the completion of my second minor.

Le fin.

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